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Barris Berthomieu

Barricas Berthomieu

Barricas Berthomieu

Created in 1906, Tonnellerie Berthomieu has been part of the Charlois group, since 2006, the only tannery group whose production chain is fully integrated, from the management of two carvalhais to the finished product. With more than 350 years of experience in the forest, due to the reputation of the Charlois group, or its deep knowledge of Carvalho and his experience are very rare.

Established in the Nivernais region, one of the best-known forests in France for the quality of its wood, Berthomieu's strength lies not in its unique method of pre-roasted steam cooking and in the selection of woods from the large forests.

Throughout the year, buyers roam the French forests in search of two best carvalhos that will be used to make the barrels in which fine wines and distillates will be aged. Thoroughly assess, once again, the trees that were selected in accordance with a rigorous management plan, conceived to guarantee sustainability, forest regeneration without respect for biodiversity